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Showing posts from September, 2020

An Introduction to Lapidary Arts, Cabochon Shaping & Carving

  An Introduction to Lapidary Arts, Cabochon Shaping & Carving   Amethyst   The art of working with stones is called lapidary. However, it generally refers to small objects that were created using gem materials. So bigger ornaments or life-sized statues that were created with stones would not come under the wing of lapidary arts. Lapidary art is divided into four basic types: ·          Tumbling ·          Cabbing ·          Faceting ·          Carving However, lapidaries can be further divided into many other kinds. Some gem cutters treat it as a hobby, and are content with making basic ornaments as birthday and holiday presents for their friends and families, while others like to indulge in creating more intricate cuts and designs. Some people like to work only with the stones that they’ve...